Monday 28 February 2011

Lilycobweb takes the plunge!

It's probably a good thing to start a blog with a plan in mind, or a few themes, or a general style that readers can associate with you. That's what I'd advise any blogstarters to do-make lists, spider-diagrams, link your posts, your visuals etc.....

You know how it's easy to give amazing advice to other people, and be totally unable to practise it yourself...well, I think this many be a case in point.
I really just want to say.....welcome to my blog! Who knows where it will take us? As soon as I work out any clues to the direction, I will be right here to let you know.

You can see from my sidebar that I'm a craftsperson, and an Etsy seller. That, however, is just one of my multiple personalities. I'll be introducing you to the others as we get acquainted:)

Thank you for reading! More anon.

I'm a proud member of the Etsy Ireland team 


  1. yay, you!!!! i'll be keeping an eye out for your posts!!! all the best! xo

  2. Thanks so much, Sus! You're my first follower:)

  3. whoo hoo! You did it! And not just did it but in style too! How did you get a slideshow on here- or who do I have to pay and how much for a step by step how to :)

  4. Maura, I set up the blog ages ago and then didn't write any posts until now. I think it's one of the options on the blogger dashboard. It's basically my flickr pics, most of which are awful! Thanks for your convo, btw. Will ring you soon:)

  5. Welcome to the blog world!

    Hope you are doing better than I do - I am trying hard to post more, but blogging always ends up being the last thing I get round to!

    Happy writing!!!
